Flora and Fauna of Belize

Belize is one of the world’s top ecotourist destinations with diverse eco-systems home to an incredible variety of flora and fauna.  Amidst dense jungle, spider monkeys swing beneath the forest canopy, river otters playfully float down streams, jaguars roam at night and tapirs forage the undergrowth.  Here you’ll find raucous birds amongst gorgeous orchids, ubiquitous palms, pine forests, mahogany trees and mangroves. Fruit lovers (birds and humans alike!) delight in the abundance of bananas, mangos, pineapples, oranges, grapefruit, cashews, papaya, craboo and coconuts.  At Hamanasi you will be well positioned to see it all!

Notable Species Found in Belize

Below our trained guides have put together a partial list of the many plants and animals you may encounter in Belize.  Some of these you can find without even leaving the resort grounds, but if you do find yourself on one of our adventures, you’ll see the guides do an even better job in person of of pointing out and explaining the ecological wonders around you.

  • Brown Booby, Sula Leucogaster
  • Magnificent Frigatebird, Fregata Magnificens
  • Brown Pelican, Pelecanus Occidentalis
  • Double-Crested Cormorant, Phalacrocorax Auritus
  • Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron, Nyctanassa Violacea
  • Bear-Throated Tiger-Heron, Tigrisoma Mexicanum
  • Great Blue Heron, Ardea Herodias
  • Jabiru, Jabiru Mycteria
  • Great Egret, Ardea Alba
  • Snowy Egret, Egretta Thula
  • American White Ibis, Eudocimus Albus
  • Turkey Vulture, Cathartes Aura
  • Gray Hawk, Asturina Nitida
  • Laughing Falcon, Herpetotheres Cachinnans
  • Plain Chachalaca, Ortalis Vetula
  • Crested Guan, Penelope Purpurascens
  • Willet, Catoptrophorus Semipalmatus
  • Caspian Tern, Hydroprogne Caspia, formerly Sterna Caspia
  • Ruddy Ground-Dove, Columbia Talpacoti
  • Scarlet Macaw, Ara Macao
  • Olive-Throated Parakeet, Aratinga Nana
  • Red-Lored Parrot, Amazona Autumnalis
  • Squirrel Cockoo, Piaya Cayana
  • Groove-Billed Ani, Crotophaga Sulcirostris
  • Mottled Owl, Ciccaba Virgata
  • Rufous-Tailed Hummingbird, Amazilia Tzacatl
  • Black-Headed Trogon, Trogn Melanocephalus
  • Blue-Crowned Motmot, Momotus Momota
  • Collared Aracari, Pteroglossus Torquatus
  • Keel-Billed Toucan, Ramphastos Sulfuratus
  • Golden-Fronted Woodpecker, Melanerpes Aurifrons
  • Vermilion Flycatcher, Pyrocephalus Rubinus
  • Fork-Tailed Flycatcher, Tyrannus Savanna
  • Social Flycatcher, Myiozetetes Similis
  • Great Kiskadee, Pitangus Sulphuratus
  • Tropical Mockingbird, Mimus Gilvus
  • Magnolia Warbler, Dendroica Magnolia
  • Summer Tanager, Piranga Rubra
  • White-Collared Seedeater, Sporophila Torqueola
  • Great-Tailed Grackle, Quiscalus Mexicanus
  • Immature Orchard Oriole, Icterus Spurius
  • Black-Cowled Oriole, Icterus Prosthemelas
  • Toco Toucan, Ramphastos Toco

Above is a list curated by our guides of notable birds you may well see on your visit. Belize boasts over 500 species of birds including the toucan (the national bird), scarlet macaws, parrots, hummingbirds, kingfishers, motmots, egrets and frigate birds.

  • Mahogany, Swietenia Macrophylla, MELIACEAE
  • Allspice, Pimentadioica, APOCYNACEAE
  • Bay Cedar/Tapaculo, Guazumaulmifolia, STERCULIACEAE
  • Bred Nut, Brosimum Alicastrum, MORACEAE
  • Cabbage Bark, Andira Inermis, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Cacao Tree, Theobroma Cacao, STERCULIACEAE
  • Calabash Tree, Crescentia Cujete, BIGNONIACEAE
  • Cashew Tree, Anacardium Occidentale, ANACARDIACEAE
  • Cedar Tree, Cedrelamexicana, MELIACEAE
  • Caribbean Pine, Pinuscaribaea, PINACEAE
  • Cohune Palm, Orbignya Cohune, PALMAE
  • Copal, Protium Copal, BURSERACEAE
  • Cotton Tree, Ceiba Petandra, BOMBACACEAE
  • Craboo, Byrsonima Crassifolia, MALPIGHIACEAE
  • Ficus sp., Ficus sp., MORACEAE
  • Flamboyant, Delonix Regia, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Give and Take, Crysophila Argentea, PALMAE
  • Guanacaste, Enterolobium Cyclocarpum, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Gumbolimbo, Brusera Simaruba, BURSERACEAE
  • Hog Plum, Spondias Mombin, ANACARDIACEAE
  • Horse Balls, Stemmadenia Donnell-Smithii, APOCYNACEAE
  • Jippi Joppa Palm, Sabal Mexicana, PALMAE
  • Live Oke, Quercus Oleoides, FAGACEAE
  • Logwood, Haematoxylum Campechianum, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Madre De Cacao, Gliricidia Sepium, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Mammee Apple, Pouteria Mammasa, SAPOTACEAE
  • Mayflower, Tabebuia Rosea, BIGNONIACEAE
  • Nargusta, Terninalia Amazonia, COMBRETACEAE
  • Nergrito, Simarouba Glauca, SIMARUBACEAE
  • Pimenta Palm, Acoelorrhaphe Wrightii, PALMAE
  • Poisonwood, Metppium Browneii, ANACARDIACEAE
  • Prickly Yellow, Zanthoxylum sp., RUTACEAE
  • Provision Tree, Pachira Aquatica, BOMBACACEAE
  • Quamwood, Zchizolobium Parahybum, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Red Mangrove, Rhizophora Mangle, RHIZOPHORACEAE
  • Santa Maria, Calophyllum Antillanum, GUTTIFERAE
  • Sapodilla, Manilkara Zapota, SAPOTACEAE
  • Sea Almond, Terminalia Catapa, COMBRETACEAEE
  • Sea Grape, Coccoloba Uvifera, POLYGONACEAE
  • Soursop, Annona Muricata, ANNONACEAE
  • Stinking Toe, Cassia Grandis, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Strangler Fig, Ficus sp., MORACEAE
  • Tamarind, Tamarindus Indica, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Travelers Palm, Ravenala Madagascariensis, MUSACEAE
  • Trumpet Tree, Cecropia obtusifolia, MORACEAE
  • Yellow Cassia, Cassia Fistula, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Yemeri, Vochysia Hondurensis, VOCHYSIACEAE
  • Zericote, Cordia Dodecandra, BORAGINACEAE

Check out this list of notable plants and trees you may well see on your visit. Belize is home to coastal mangroves, a large variety of fruit trees and many kinds of tropical hardwoods including the Mahogany tree, the national tree of Belize.

Photo Galleries


Click a thumbnail below to bring up galleries of different aspects of Belize’s flora and fauna.

Flora and Fauna of Belize

Flora and Fauna of Belize

Belize is one of the world’s top ecotourist destinations with diverse eco-systems home to an incredible variety of flora and fauna.  Amidst dense jungle, spider monkeys swing beneath the forest canopy, river otters playfully float down streams, jaguars roam at night and tapirs forage the undergrowth.  Here you’ll find raucous birds amongst gorgeous orchids, ubiquitous palms, pine forests, mahogany trees and mangroves. Fruit lovers (birds and humans alike!) delight in the abundance of bananas, mangos, pineapples, oranges, grapefruit, cashews, papaya, craboo and coconuts.  At Hamanasi you will be well positioned to see it all!

Notable Species Found in Belize

Below our trained guides have put together a partial list of the many plants and animals you may encounter in Belize.  Some of these you can find without even leaving the resort grounds, but if you do find yourself on one of our adventures, you’ll see the guides do an even better job in person of of pointing out and explaining the ecological wonders around you.

  • Brown Booby, Sula Leucogaster
  • Magnificent Frigatebird, Fregata Magnificens
  • Brown Pelican, Pelecanus Occidentalis
  • Double-Crested Cormorant, Phalacrocorax Auritus
  • Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron, Nyctanassa Violacea
  • Bear-Throated Tiger-Heron, Tigrisoma Mexicanum
  • Great Blue Heron, Ardea Herodias
  • Jabiru, Jabiru Mycteria
  • Great Egret, Ardea Alba
  • Snowy Egret, Egretta Thula
  • American White Ibis, Eudocimus Albus
  • Turkey Vulture, Cathartes Aura
  • Gray Hawk, Asturina Nitida
  • Laughing Falcon, Herpetotheres Cachinnans
  • Plain Chachalaca, Ortalis Vetula
  • Crested Guan, Penelope Purpurascens
  • Willet, Catoptrophorus Semipalmatus
  • Caspian Tern, Hydroprogne Caspia, formerly Sterna Caspia
  • Ruddy Ground-Dove, Columbia Talpacoti
  • Scarlet Macaw, Ara Macao
  • Olive-Throated Parakeet, Aratinga Nana
  • Red-Lored Parrot, Amazona Autumnalis
  • Squirrel Cockoo, Piaya Cayana
  • Groove-Billed Ani, Crotophaga Sulcirostris
  • Mottled Owl, Ciccaba Virgata
  • Rufous-Tailed Hummingbird, Amazilia Tzacatl
  • Black-Headed Trogon, Trogn Melanocephalus
  • Blue-Crowned Motmot, Momotus Momota
  • Collared Aracari, Pteroglossus Torquatus
  • Keel-Billed Toucan, Ramphastos Sulfuratus
  • Golden-Fronted Woodpecker, Melanerpes Aurifrons
  • Vermilion Flycatcher, Pyrocephalus Rubinus
  • Fork-Tailed Flycatcher, Tyrannus Savanna
  • Social Flycatcher, Myiozetetes Similis
  • Great Kiskadee, Pitangus Sulphuratus
  • Tropical Mockingbird, Mimus Gilvus
  • Magnolia Warbler, Dendroica Magnolia
  • Summer Tanager, Piranga Rubra
  • White-Collared Seedeater, Sporophila Torqueola
  • Great-Tailed Grackle, Quiscalus Mexicanus
  • Immature Orchard Oriole, Icterus Spurius
  • Black-Cowled Oriole, Icterus Prosthemelas
  • Toco Toucan, Ramphastos Toco

Above is a list curated by our guides of notable birds you may well see on your visit. Belize boasts over 500 species of birds including the toucan (the national bird), scarlet macaws, parrots, hummingbirds, kingfishers, motmots, egrets and frigate birds.

  • Mahogany, Swietenia Macrophylla, MELIACEAE
  • Allspice, Pimentadioica, APOCYNACEAE
  • Bay Cedar/Tapaculo, Guazumaulmifolia, STERCULIACEAE
  • Bred Nut, Brosimum Alicastrum, MORACEAE
  • Cabbage Bark, Andira Inermis, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Cacao Tree, Theobroma Cacao, STERCULIACEAE
  • Calabash Tree, Crescentia Cujete, BIGNONIACEAE
  • Cashew Tree, Anacardium Occidentale, ANACARDIACEAE
  • Cedar Tree, Cedrelamexicana, MELIACEAE
  • Caribbean Pine, Pinuscaribaea, PINACEAE
  • Cohune Palm, Orbignya Cohune, PALMAE
  • Copal, Protium Copal, BURSERACEAE
  • Cotton Tree, Ceiba Petandra, BOMBACACEAE
  • Craboo, Byrsonima Crassifolia, MALPIGHIACEAE
  • Ficus sp., Ficus sp., MORACEAE
  • Flamboyant, Delonix Regia, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Give and Take, Crysophila Argentea, PALMAE
  • Guanacaste, Enterolobium Cyclocarpum, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Gumbolimbo, Brusera Simaruba, BURSERACEAE
  • Hog Plum, Spondias Mombin, ANACARDIACEAE
  • Horse Balls, Stemmadenia Donnell-Smithii, APOCYNACEAE
  • Jippi Joppa Palm, Sabal Mexicana, PALMAE
  • Live Oke, Quercus Oleoides, FAGACEAE
  • Logwood, Haematoxylum Campechianum, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Madre De Cacao, Gliricidia Sepium, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Mammee Apple, Pouteria Mammasa, SAPOTACEAE
  • Mayflower, Tabebuia Rosea, BIGNONIACEAE
  • Nargusta, Terninalia Amazonia, COMBRETACEAE
  • Nergrito, Simarouba Glauca, SIMARUBACEAE
  • Pimenta Palm, Acoelorrhaphe Wrightii, PALMAE
  • Poisonwood, Metppium Browneii, ANACARDIACEAE
  • Prickly Yellow, Zanthoxylum sp., RUTACEAE
  • Provision Tree, Pachira Aquatica, BOMBACACEAE
  • Quamwood, Zchizolobium Parahybum, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Red Mangrove, Rhizophora Mangle, RHIZOPHORACEAE
  • Santa Maria, Calophyllum Antillanum, GUTTIFERAE
  • Sapodilla, Manilkara Zapota, SAPOTACEAE
  • Sea Almond, Terminalia Catapa, COMBRETACEAEE
  • Sea Grape, Coccoloba Uvifera, POLYGONACEAE
  • Soursop, Annona Muricata, ANNONACEAE
  • Stinking Toe, Cassia Grandis, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Strangler Fig, Ficus sp., MORACEAE
  • Tamarind, Tamarindus Indica, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Travelers Palm, Ravenala Madagascariensis, MUSACEAE
  • Trumpet Tree, Cecropia obtusifolia, MORACEAE
  • Yellow Cassia, Cassia Fistula, LEGUMINOSAE
  • Yemeri, Vochysia Hondurensis, VOCHYSIACEAE
  • Zericote, Cordia Dodecandra, BORAGINACEAE

Check out this list of notable plants and trees you may well see on your visit. Belize is home to coastal mangroves, a large variety of fruit trees and many kinds of tropical hardwoods including the Mahogany tree, the national tree of Belize.

Photo Galleries


Click a thumbnail below to bring up galleries of different aspects of Belize’s flora and fauna.